Thursday, January 3, 2013



With very a very little thought, it is quite easy to be amazed at the myriad ways that man tries to eat his cake and freeze-frame it at the same time.  It is a custom, of course, at weddings, including that of my son Mark and new daughter Alison, to save a smaller cake for one year, to be eaten by the couple at the first year anniversary.  This is a relatively new custom since the advent of artificial refrigeration and a consistent power grid required  to cover the entire nation, every moment of the day.


So there is a better than fair chance that said cake will be preserved for said year and be consumed, if the dear ones remember it, on said date or thereabouts.  But it won’t be, of course, the same cake they ate yesterday. 


But man is convinced, worldwide, that he is the grand exception to such universal rules as time/space, entropy, and the law of non-contradiction;  these mandate naturally constant revision of the universe—and all of our “constants”-- by power far greater than our own.  I continue to meet those whose god is technology, who are nonetheless extremely cynical about humanity itself.  In other words, they are highly suspicious of their own species, yet greatly in love with it byproducts/ waste products which most must admit progressively poison our atmosphere, not just physically, but socially, and metaphysically, just to mention these few.


C.S Lewis rightly called these true believers, “materialist magicians,” which of course is an oxymoron, but rightly describes our post/modern predicament as forecast by Lewis, and many others.  (Arthur Koestler comes to mind)  The magic part is of course the technology; in which we dream of preserving, yea, improving a species on the downward trend, who will probably destroy himself long before he can incorporate affordable eugenics, and whose genome includes such irreducible complexity that even the most brilliant genetic engineers will  without doubt do far more harm than good, and stress  will continue to be on superficial and  cosmetic changes as breeders are wont to do and only Hollywood/Dollie-wood can afford.


People, especially Americans who are desperately dependent on an unsustainable  and fragile E=power and economic grid, which lies atop of a social grid that is far less stable than what it supports, must have their defense mechanisms beefed up—especially denial—to think that things will simply get better and better; they actually believe, in spite of whole continents of examples to the contrary, that technology—and may I add, nothing but technology-- will save the human race.  No, not only save it, but make it palpably and visibly immortal; that we are imbued with so much cleverness and adaptability that we can literally and physically make ourselves into gods, little lights that will never go out—that somehow in spite of extinctions going on all around us, every day, that we are the surfeit-of luck  exception;  as Grace Slick sarcastically called us, “The Crown of Creation.”


But without the laurel crown! Here the contradictions in the “usual shipping lanes” of human thinking, becoming  truly untenable, based on our 19th Century creation myths, which are remarkably persistent.  The illusion of progress is remarkably persistent; probably proceeding in lockstep with our consumption of caffeine and antidepressants, which we must pour on top of the other hallucinogens, just to get through the day, living on illusion and the current fad for existentialism, i.e. believe in yourself, follow your dream, and so on, standard Hollywood fare; all completely irrational,  ex nihilo, and “hanging on nothing!!!’ 


Thus the other half of the equation, that we can be as nihilistic and cynical as we like; and still improve on ourselves.  Because technology is presumed to be  a separate entity from its source!  This of course is a triple illusion—consigning body soul and spirit to the ash heap, yet taking this “great leap of faith forward,” leaving reason and reality somehow behind us. 


The idea behind all  this is that our abstractions somehow have an identity and existence of their own; not only apart from our current generations, but even apart from other abstractions, such as “the future.”  We live in denial of death all the time.(which includes our individual death but also the death of the species—species do go extinct, you know—and never has there been a species like ours that has become incredibly effective at self destruction and anti-procreation and still expects to survive.)   We don’t even really consider our future per se, but only our self-contradictory dreams, which like all dreams are a concoction of what has gone on the day before, and we assume that today will be like yesterday; maybe temporarily worse, but “saved by the bell,” eventually; and somehow exonerated of our inherent short-sightedness and hubris.


I read today the story of the Canaanite army of Sisera, which was allowed to persecute again-apostate Israel, with   “900 IRON CHARIOTS. “  This army was routed by 2 women, Deborah and Jael,  both of whom had more sense, because of more intimacy with God, than any man in the world at that time.  So, did they glorify themselves?  Were they “proto-feminists?”  Were they triumphant because technology saved them?  What is a hammer and a tent peg and a drink of milk, against 900 chariots, eh?


 For those of my readers who think than man will triumph, by himself, through all adversity, because he has “conquered nature” while yet being blind and deaf and  totally unable to keep himself in check and continues not to  learn a thing from history, and merely have an abstract and unprecedented and unwarranted faith  in materialism and a humanity resting uneasily—and rightly so—on what’s left of a decaying genome—you have my sympathy.  But I am not ever again getting on your boat or train or whatever you want to call it...

Like Tolkien, I do not have the requisite faith in humanity qua humanity, to depend on materialist magicians who rape the Shire and expect to be extraordinarily pardoned by no god at all.  Science qua science;much less postmodern psuedoscienctism; is not on man's side.  Reason per se is not either.  Love is; the Creator who created solely out of selfless Love is; but the vast majority  live lives of desperate variations; on a single theme of auto-authority in the face of a howling universe (so they say) which is dedicated to the quick extinction of the entire human “genome project,” starting with gravity itself (dedicated to pulling us six feet under, then further down than we can think or imagine):

No this is not enough; we take the troulble to cast off Freud with his inconvenient truths about our miserable defense mechanisms which yet are the fodder off which we live; and Marx with his grim truth about our materialism; yet in the face of all this, our land and the entire world now worshops at the feet of Mr. Darwin, the misogynist racist predecessor of meaningless atrocities with the single mantra, necessarily, of “Well, why not?”  and “Because I can.”  And all of this for one reason and one reason only:


“We will not have this Man to rule over us.”


  (from Genesis to Revelation, still the same; which oddly enough  fits with the configuration of the known universe—as I have said elsewhere; and will continue to express even after I have lost my last reader.)

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