Saturday, January 19, 2013


Judges 14:


“ ‘Coax your husband into explaining the riddle for us, or we will burn you and your father’s house to death.’”  (This is McFriendship with McWorld—“‘the hearts of many will be exposed—what is said now in secret will be shouted from the housetops.’”)

“ ‘ You hate me! You don’t really love me.’”

She may have been right, of course. Samson wasn’t known for his loving nature or a giving, grateful heart. But he was nonetheless used of God. And even his parents didn’t understand, though they had had 2 close encounters, not with a run of the mill angel but THE Angel;  Who also told them that they wouldn’t ‘get’ His Name, seeing as it is, “beyond understanding.”  So it would be an understatement to allege that none of the players on the Samsonite Stage had half a clue as to what was going on—

After God spoke, they still didn’t understand why their son appeared to be “one wild and crazy guy,” breaking his Nazrite vows with utter abandonment  of God’s Spoken Plan for his life—which I am sure Samson’s parents talked to him about—a LOT.  Samson is only one example—FO’C’s novels are full of failed and runaway prophets, such as Hazel Motes. 

Yet “God gives more Grace.”  He will use anyone and everyone at His discretion and times and places—not at random you may be sure.  As is said elsewhere—and the Scripture cannot be broken—He opposes the proud; using them “as is,” just as He used Judas, Caiphas, and Pilate; but then breaking them as surely as He broke Babylon; and  broke down the very Temples He had (semi-reluctantly?) authorized and specified to the nth cubit.

What can I say then? “If you are silent even the rocks will cry out,” “for such a time as this.” – Mordecai.   Esther had to basically go forth as one Jew against the Persian Empire—not playing by their pagan hunger game rules and hence laying her life down for her friends.  “If I perish, I perish.”  God will use great beauty as much as great strength to rescue his wayward ones, tho most of the time He doesn’t—Jesus was nothing to look at, not a body builder—but there are many prophets who perished, for every one that obeyed –reluctantly and with protest and good reasons—but after all, obeyed without their questions all being answered but proceeding  by faith, “for it is by grace you are saved by faith, not by works,” and beause of this, they were able to act God’s will in relative safety—“but not all” (See Hebrews 11)

“You would have no power over Me if it were not given to you by My Father.”

Just so. The  ultimate and apparent horrible miscarriage of Justice was entirely carried out by God’s Spirit, and Screwtape  was brought down to his lowest ever by “winning.”  So it is with  the world—they are never satisfied—“but even the little they think they have will be taken from them.”  It is incumbent on us and our choices/wills, which can be as inviolate as we want, to have what we think we want now; such as the approbation of men.

God’s call is the opposite: to resist the blandishments, the free luggage and the complimentary toaster oven and the Puce Stamps (Pogo’s), to join this ever –growing group.  And be subject to their vast displeasure.  Oh. Well. With my soul.


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