Thursday, January 3, 2013


It has been declared recently,  I don’t recall  exactly wherein,  that we should submit to Twain’s phrase, “The Angels of our Better Nature,”   in response to the amassing of human tragedies and the triumph of the self-will.  Twain’s axiom is repeated ad nauseam by optimistic humanists;  that man is essentially good—yet failing to have any basis for the word or concept,” Good.”  It seems we have lost the very apple of God’s nature that we stole millennia ago; the knowledge of good and evil.  In order to escape the last shred of accountability before God, we shed even the little bit of prerogative that  brought us inexorably to the spiritual cliff now before us.


As I just mentioned in the previous post, I am more amazed than confounded at this latter point in my life, at man’s intransigence.  It matters less and less to me,  being both inevitable and accurately predicted by all the prophets and Christ Himself;  but man being overbuilt by his own hand continues to stir me; not as much as any kind of personal threat  but more as a kind of compassion-compass that I believe God has, and wants His children to have.  But to get there many painful truths must be unfolded with due deliberation and justice.


Let us look in one decidedly crucial way at the history of civilizations, particularly those who practice child and other human sacrifice, as ours does, and showing no hope of stopping or even slowing:


It is the nature of such mannish authorities and their structures and cultures…TO OVEREXTEND.


This is what they do.  They in fact tacitly  by means of utter blind ambition--see it as their mission. And in truth, that becomes their only mission, and their chiefest of failures, in the end.  The ideal is to eliminate all possible competition or contradiction or opposition—so it comes to one type or another of genocide, even if only in the mind. 

(There are millions of people who believe they can’t be happy so long as there is even one person who follows Christ, left on earth.  Of course they wouldn’t be happy then either…probably a great deal less so than now, in fact.)

When man tries his hand, over and over, to be a God stand-in; there is only one course possible; which is to overextend himself;  paradoxically, unreasonably, and asymptotically.  One must attempt to be God if only because we are made in God’s image, and there is still enough residual of that giftedness to cause us to be able to deceive ourselves that a few godlike capacities can project themselves under their own independent power,  indefinitely; in time and space, socially and politically; since we cannot stand to admit that our Creator has powers far beyond what He has loaned to us.  


If that isn’t an overextension ladder to nowhere, leaning on nothing, I can’t imagine what is.

(Let me be quick to add that this does not apply just to leaders and overwhelming political juggernaughts --yes I meant  to spell it like that--; it applies to the little de facto libertarians who believe that by merely being left alone in their private workshops or garage industries that they serve anyone besides their overwhelming thirst for personal power/absolutist and uncontradictable autonomy, or that their pet project is any less of an attempt to pretend that they are in the place of God; or any less a gambit to become Supreme Judges over the entire race of homo ---not so sapient as he thinks—erectus.)


(Nor do I excuse myself from this cottage industry mentality.  That is however the key to understanding it and its terminal liabilities and fatal tragic flaws.  “Private Practice” has a nice ring to it, to the male ear in particular—but there is actually nothing private about it. Think about it…)


We prefer our angle iron wills to any other—there  are no angels, good or bad, you know…


“Nihilism is the air we breathe.”  -Flannery O’Connor.  Where is that more conveniently and comfortably true than In our own private mini-forges?


Oxygen wanted!!!


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