Tuesday, January 29, 2013


And so it is.  So after a wonderful nap and dinner with wife and dog, maybe I can catch up with my scattered thoughtz.

Here’s a new word: miscellanophobia.  I invite the reader to contribute.  Several possible meanings:

Fear of your junk drawer.

Fear of  seemingly random “to do “ lists.

It could also be a fear of apparent disorder, other’s people’s inscrutable and puzzling thought patterns, and perhaps a suspicion of  our whole culture which seems to be increasingly patchworked together even as it is ripping apart at the “seems!”  It reminds me of the wife of Odysseus, among other legends, who held off her suitors by promising to choose a new husband (hers missing and widely presumed dead) when she finished a garment—maybe a wedding dress. These must have been very dimwitted suitors since it took them years to catch on.  Or maybe they were too busy partying and dropping in on her house to do so.  At any rate, things did not turn out well for the suitors; and if we don’t learn a lesson from them, we , may end up  at the point of Odysseus’ (and son Telemachus’) arrows.


One could certainly claim that Americans have been too busy “amusing ourselves to death,” to hear the sound of ripping yarns!  I get frequent reminders of this when I go to the free clinic, where people’s profligate medical spending habits just don’t stop. So I pray that they will either change  their attitudes and expectations according to the new realities, or go find someone else to give in to their exorbitant demands. 

The state of Illinois has not helped by supporting a Cadillac Medicaid program that once paid even for Viagra (but only one per weekend). Now our beloved state has received one of the few downgrades given by Standard and Poor’s to represent a very risky environment for investments and businesses, because of a state that promised much, spent much, and did not plan for the future at all, much less a less prosperous one.


But though this is a dark and stormy night, it does accomplish God’s purposes in weaning us away from God substitutes which are never enough, doomed by entropy, and unable to provide any solace. Or even any happiness, not even that of a well-fed dog, who at least gets some joy in licking plates or gathering crumbs.

Dogs only worry if they are at the bottom of a pack. Or the beta dog.

I PRAY GOD’S ABSOLUTE AND PERMANENT BEST for anyone who may come across the above. The call is clearly to trust Jesus wholly, i.e. more and more, As the Real and HyperReal Person that He is and said He was. “The same yesterday, today, and forever.”  Or as my friend Dr. Bill Lane once said, “Everyone will disappoint you, except Jesus.

From one imperfect person to the others,

Goodnight Rain and thanks that the creek is rising again;)


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