Whereas: Mark and
Allison are flying to Burma today;
Whereas: They shall not be seen in this country x 1 year;
Whereas: …except on Skype…and
Whereas: They will be serving Jesus Christ every day…
There Fore be it
That I, he who writes this, shall henceforth and beyond:
Fully cast in my lot with not only with Mark and Allison
But with Him Whom they are serving and will serve.
Also I am resolved that, when Christ returns
He will find at least some faith on the earth.
I have also fully realized that evil will pursue. God’s work
is never without opposition owing to the rebel choices of men and angels. It does not matter if one stays home and
tries to live a quiet life—one cannot, and still follow Christ. God will not allow it, nor will His miserable
The irony of course is that those who follow idols will live
to see them destroyed before their very eyes—if only at the last moment. That the silver and gold in which we invest
will be left to others, who are statistically likely to abuse them even worse
than we did. Shoah shows that. But if only in this life we have hope—we are “to
be pitied more than all men.” It means
we invest everything in an account with negative returns.
“Peace on earth to men Upon Whom His Favor Rests:” We have a say in that, apparently. Those who turned Mary and Joseph away all had
opportunity to bring them into their own rooms and before their own private
hearths, for warmth and protection. Even
the inn who accepted them, kept them out.
The son of God was born with the animals, already rejected of men.
Do we want to be “The Inn Group?” Those too privileged, too much seeking
personal honor, cleanliness, privacy, and the peace that comes from having one’s
own home undisturbed by aliens?
The Heavenly Host wanted Him back—as soon as possible. If He does not have a home in the domicile of
our hearts, what use to build “ceiled houses” (Habbakuk) here? If we refuse
Him, we also refuse His Holy Spirit, the worst fate we could ever choose.
Mark and Allison are in the OUT BOX. Let those of us who pray, pray for them without ceasing.
"Shine" -- "make 'em wish that they were not/on the out side lookin' bored..."
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