Monday, December 31, 2012


I presently suppose that the most important comment I can make at the end of the year is that a blog is not a prayer.  At best it is self-expression; but the raw self, or inner adulterer if you will, while commonly trumpeted loudly about, here and in a myriad of elsewheres, is neither of any intrinsic value nor of any external significance. 

It is of eternal significance only if totally subsumable. Unto the Real Living GOD, that is; and to no one else. As I said in a long-ago post, Walker Percy called the Jews, "unsubsumable."  They defy categorization, rationalization, and oblivion.  They are special to God and hence hated by all people--but even more so is their Messiah, "rejected of men," even in His Name!

Such is our ability to live lies...

Not that this author never prays.  But he blogs and opines more than he prays.  God is not impressed with mere variations of the English language, nor with the "entertainment value" or even "family values" of our expressions.

When I was still in high school, my first band was a so-called "greaser band" badly imitating The Kingsmen, led by a grocer's son from Rock Falls, who penned our first name, "The Expressions."  We expressed ourselves by imitating others.  Have I really gotten very far from that, today?  Is not the same dead-end non-creative impulse at work in me today?  Does it not hang to me, as the Edomites clung to the Israelites, culminating in the Herod family, whom Rome put in power to doubly humiliate the Chosen People? 

In a word, "Sarx"?

The very stuff that falls apart more quickly than mere rocks or trees?

In the AM our son Mark will, as most of you know, be married to Alison Ryan. Most of today will be spent in final preparations.  Here's my prayer, hoping that most of u-few will agree. 

I pray for a reversal of the entropy found in me; that there would be, unlike in the book of Judges, an ongoing and growing love for Christ, His Father, and His Holy Spirit  in Mark's new and emerging family, to the  "Nth" generation--I will not specify for even Christ on this earth did not know, nor could tell, the day and the hour of His Return--only that it would come when people "least expect it."  Or as Henry Morris said, "Perhaps today!!!" Because "God is not willing that any should perish," i.e. that all should have at least enough God-given sense to come home on His terms, not on the ones that we invent, and humanly foist on others as the Scribes and Lawyers did, then, and even more so now.

And that the growing of God-given faith in the Creator should not wane, as it will if done by human effort and without more prayer than I, the negligent one, have prayed to date; would increase as I decrease.  Does Herod have me en gaol?  Heaven forbid.  But as for blogs, they will cease.  He will show us--has shown us-- the "MORE EXCELLENT WAY." 


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