Sunday, December 30, 2012

Post Hook/Hoc Levi-athan

It was not my intention to review The Hobbit Part the First here; and I won't--but the general impression is much the same as the impressions I got from the previews--a constant stream of violent monsters. This is a far cry from the grotesque of O'Connor, which altho seeming alien to us, is all too possible and all too real.

What is common is the triumph of the common. In that sense, it may be more realistic, for only the common do the work that sustains empires and civilizations. Unwittingly or unwilingly makes no difference.

 We acquired a children's book from a Japanese author, yesterday, called, The Mighty Prince.  Very simple, like The Emperor's New Clothes, with a happy ending. This describes the transformation of a perpetually angry prince who conquered many nations and who many feared, esp. his own people.  But he became a 'prince of peace' when a young girl gives him a packet of seeds and he tries planting them in his neglected garden.  "And for the first time, he loved his people."

Unlike this prince, God is traduced no matter whether He does what we like, or does the opposite. We dislike Him, no matter what!  Even the most devout don't like to be messed with;  we replace one agenda with another, one law with an opposite law; and hence cancel out whatever we have done, in a burgeoning horde of contra-dictions.  We are, in fact, the "contras" who, like the Unitarians, remain defined by what they are against (Trinity); because to us destruction comes far more naturally, as does reaction to what IS, no matter what the blessing IS, is!!! We use our energies to not just neutralize our enemies but  to attempt to obliterate them from the earth (but they keep on coming--and there are more now than "there was awhile ago." No more redcoats, but...

There is, in fact, not a one of us on earth, who is not simultaneously and continuously both Reactionary and Rebel at the same time.  (Liberals react to what is and has gone before; and Conservatives react to the attacks on stasis, i.e. life in the past lane!)  The only thing we are really called upon is to embrace IS--but instead of reification, we seek entertainment value, which we also call politics, or existentialism, which is rather like Lucy Van Pelt's petition: "Here, sign this. It absolves me of all blame." Charlie Brown said, "It must be nice to have a document like that."  (Try Christ as Signatory? He is not bound! Or tied! Like us or/as the tramps of Godot.)

Not so fast! Not so past, either.  The key to the present is the past, not vice versa as evolutionaries contend!  Yet there is more...than we, or any army, can contend with. C.f. Ezekiel 12 and Pharoah's grave.

  We are formed by culture but are still able to choose against it, and choose Christ, Who IS "no respecter of persons," and even less so of mere cultures which exist only as a matter of taste--usually for the Thanatos/Eros nexus/ Demi god's Urges. Formed by culture which we did not choose; but far before our culture, we were formed, prochoice and prolife, in our mother's womb, limited by our decaying genome but unlimited by the multifaceted gifts of choice, faith, love, and God Himself, who requires of us the one thing we can provide, which is surrender.  We will surrender, have no doubt!

 "Who will be Master, that's all."

postscripting--If it were only a matter of one angry, earthy prince! Yet the Past also indelibly says, "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry."  Re-read, please, Isaiah 53, I can only hint at the Who (vs The Who and their Doctor--" My Dad's a doctor, but not the kind that can do you any good...")

To Whom is Concerned Like No Other. And to WHOM we owe all we could ever think or imagine.  It's all on loan from His Collection...


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