Monday, December 24, 2012

"Specialty: The Bleeding Obvious!"

One of my sons, at the inception of this blog, said, "Keep those pop culture references coming, Dad!"  As my father recently said to me on Facebook, "I try, son."

It is no surprise then that, esp. right now with merchants languishing, that Eph. 4:29 -- 5:21 would bring to mind and heart,  many sore subjects now subject to exposure, and overexposure.

The oft-repeated ad for Spiriva is interesting--and mainly true--the drug doesn't need advertising--but "The Elephant has Left the Building" comes to mind.  As does the name "Ichabod" which is not just the name of the narrator in Moby Dick but originally meant, "The Lord has departed." A royal baby was named this as his mother was dying in childbirth and the Ark was captured by the Philistines.

(The Philistines seem to have gotten a reputation for being a party people and party poopers at the same time. The Palestinians, who are named after Israel's nemesis, are more the latter--tho they did party on 9/11/2001)

But it also brings up the "coarse jesting," of, "Elvis has left the building."  That Elvis was the King--of idolatry--there can be no doubt--at least for that generation, which, as our grandmothers warned us, was merely the begining of coarser beasts to come. Everything however can become an idol, so it is still basically Creator Unacknowledged vs the mere created, the human element predominant and misusing our  mandates to rule in a totally unruly fashion.

"For you were once darkness..." Notice that it does not say, as it says or implies, that we were IN darkness--no, it says that we were actual darkness. Without so much as a reflected moonbeam to show for it. I think of the Stone's album, "Let it Bleed."  So what do Stones bleed--if you are content to be "that darkness" one can only bleed darkness." (c.f. "Something Wicked This  Way Comes" with Mister Dark the carnival master of souls--by Ray Bradbury, my favorite author as a teen).

But Paul does go on to say," but now you ARE LIGHT IN THE LORD--yes in the Light as He Is the Light--but Paul the Bold says--yes as Christ said and prophesied-- you ARE the Light, and as such we are not merely light-bearers but so much of our indwelling nature, with the entrance of the Holy Spirit in Christ, is Light in Whom There is no Darkness at all, that we are literally to be "Bleeding Light."  This too is a great mystery, as are all things which the Spirit touches,  and beyond our ken.

There is also the Fruit of the Light. (without light there is no fruit--ask any tree or bush)  --the same as the Fruits of the Holy Spirit--the list is infinite, not merely the few basics mentioned in Scripture.

Jesus certainly bled much light--that's why we honor and give thanks for His Blood--which has the power to preserve our blood--but if and when it is shed, it should bring light--as our brave helicopter friends recently showed. To quote a friend of the fallen fliers, they look down on us as to  say, "I'm spending Christmas/ with Jesus this year."  (from their Memorial Service last week) 

The Bleeding-once for all- Still Exploding AntiPlasticene


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