Sunday, December 18, 2011

Y's Men from a fire....

"Abraham. Take your son, your only son...."

talk about counterintuitive!  But there's more of course--the death of our visions and dreams gives way to something far greater--by the Weh. Yah, Yah Yah, Yaddah, Yaddah, Yaddah, uh, huh, huh!

I have had the last 30 years of my life defined by the death of the petty but still very much in the muddle of it...yesterday I saw an example of this again...but I can't say more about it--in a year or 2 may B. Meanwhilst:

Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina" (yes I am still reading it):

"The children did not know Levin very well and did not remember when they had seen him,but they did not show toward him any of that strange shyness and hostility children so often feel toward grownups who pretend to like them and for which thely are so often painfully punished.  Any kind of pretense may deceive the cleverest and most perspicacious of men; but the most backward child will recognise it, however skillfully it may be disguised, and  be repelled by it.  Whatever shortconmings Levin may have had, there was not a traace of pretense in him and that was why the children showed him the same friendliness that they saw in their mother's face."

(Aside from the Down's child that is....Acceptance Inc.)

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