Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stop me if you heard this one...

Two Romans went into a bar...no, the Forum Bank and one says: Darn! I keep writing "B.C." on all my checks!!!"

Be thou warned; not sure where this is going....

I suppose I have to get it our of my system...our "pilgrimage" to G.B. and Lambeau Field was a complete success and it was hard not to get caught in the spirit of the place--unless you were a Bear fan--and there were not a few in the crowd.  We saw a number of "mixed couples" and blended families with Bear/Packer getups.  It was not unlike a mix of Mardi Gras and our first few minutes at the edge of the Grand Canyon. After hearing about the Pack for all my life (thanks, Papa Packer) to actually attend was awesome, and on Christmas, and with the Bears. (For the record Da Bears are a little ahead in total wins, going back to 1921!)

And with my most favoritest convert Flo!! And Dan, born a Packer fan if I am not mistooken!!!

And where else can you see "Farm and Fleet" as a permanent part of the scoreboard/Jumbotron!?

This is, I think, the last of the small town teams, and by far the most successful, and I suppose that gives me a powerful reason to be a Packer Backer.  As anyone knows who has read either of my blogs, I am highly partial towards rural life, and the contrasts are many beteen urbanism the religion and agrarianism likewise; and time does not allow me to go further today.

But this inevitably brings up the matter of idolatry. Especially the "Fat Tuesday" part. It is said that Wisconsin worships A. Rodgers more than Jesus Christ.  While I can well believe that, I also believe on Best Authority that real Christians are always in the minority and idolatry of some kind is way ahead of the Godhead as far as numbers. Certainly true in Europe, continuously--"by their fruits ye shall know them."

It is only recently that the thinly veiled hatred of Christ the Person has become open hostility. Or feigned indifference.  I say this because on a gut level it is impossible to be impassive, and on a spiritual level, even more so.  Gut check today?

Well, I am certainly challenged.  The old song goes, "Take the Name of Jesus With You," and we were not completely taken in by McWorld, not yet.  For in my new parlance, "In Threedom is Freedom" and "He who the Son sets free is free indeed."  Indeed, outside of Christ there is only misuse of freedom, wasted works, and poor imitations of what life really is designed to be, "In Person" if I may repeat my theme.

The vast majority of us will never awaken to this fact of the three-fold history of the earth--with the final division yet to come, if I may dabble in amo-tour eschatology for one paragraph. BC, AD; then what will we call the remainder, after the Main Event?

I don't know what the "Spirit of Christmas" actually means to all the individuals that utter it--but I must say that I have heard "Season's Greetings" and "Happy Holidays" less than ever, this season. However this may only be a religio-political backlash against the Sadducees of the land.

My personal liabilites lie in the arena of the Populistic Pharisees, who are alive and well--but are by definition not counted among the Temple Elite. (Another repeat of an old theme of mine--and always useful for personal reproof.

Well at least I have this in common with the orthodox Darwinians--I am persistent, consistent, and dedicated to The Temple--but the Temple of the Holy Spirit is what needs full attendance and a "Pack'd House."

Joy Full Holy Days to all!!!

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