Sunday, December 25, 2011

Penses d' Joyeux Noel

(not sure about that French)

Anyway, I have reason to "JOY" since my call time is over for 2011: and we pay a visit to the Packers today, an especial gift to Dan, Flo, and myself just for this once. And to McBears, as swell.

But, oddly, I got to thinking in the bathroom this AM, before my coffee--a dangerous stunt, as Dan once said--about hospitals. I was looking through Christian History magazine about the origin of hospitals and hospices and noticed the medieval paintings of hospital activities, which always involve strangely colored people in beds.

And I realized that the sine qua non of hospitals everywhere and in every age is (drum roll) beds! Usually several. In The House of the Dead, Dostoevsky spends three chapters on the large prison hospital to which prisoners would often hope to land.  I remember the days of multibed wards at the Westside VA circa 1970's. No privacy. But lotsa beds.

It occurred to me that:

One does not go into the hospital to sit in a chair!

You can sit in a chair on the way home!

Your friends and relatives take up all the chairs, anyway-and then some. (We now have couches in our new hospital--but fewer chairs than ever:()

And also note that the bed itself has evolved--by random permutations of curse!--and now looks like something that you might see at the sick bay on Battlestar Galactica!

Even the doctors don't know how they work! Where's the educaytion, man?
Well Moo-rie Moor-ie Christmas to all you Good Beefherders who are ruining the planet for the rest of us.

(Christ did come so we could forgive and do good unto our enemies, yes. Vegan alert...

And know for some pin completed different--but a work in progress nonetheless.

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