Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rachel, Rachel, I've been thinking...

Reading an article about Seward and Lincoln, and how America elected a President that had virtually no foreign policy experience--still often true--and how "Seward's Folly" turned out to be a wise investment, etc.

But it brought to mind how much the Republican party was brought to life as a response to pro-slavery Democrats.  The Whig party, and the Know-Nothings, were not enough by any means; yet we seem to have reverted to the same sort of policies that characterized the pre-Republicans.  (pre-abolitionists as well)

Democracy per se always falls on its own sword, because it panders to impulses of the moment. Schoolchildren were taught this in the past, via the Greek and Roman experiments, as showing the need for a balance of powers.  But recall (and this is even recapped in Star Wars!) that Rome's strength was predicated on intact family systems to oppose the will of the general public, and that their Republic was undone by the idea of democracy which quickly and as always devolved into the Imperium.  "A Republic, if you can keep it."  Ben knew his history, obviously; but we have forgotten it in our rush towards bread and circuses.  In fact, it could well be argued that our politics now center around entertainment; and the party of Hollywood, which specializes in instant gratification, is now the de facto ruling party of the nation--and it is unlikely that anything but the hand of God could reverse it. (which of course he is doing--but will it take another 2000 years?

I thoroughly believe that God put Lincoln in place, not merely to save the Union and Federalism, but to preserve us from, "every man does what is right in his own eyes."  I have quoted Ibsen before in these pages, who said that, "The minority is sometimes right; but the majority is always wrong." This idea is the only way--by the grace of God--that Lincoln, a depressive, could endure his maximally strident opposition from virtually all sides--the Pharisees and Sadducees and Herods and Caesar's of his own day--as it is in ours--but Lincoln could never be elected in our day. These four powers hold absolute and de facto cooperative sway in USA Today--and worldwide....knit together inseparably by gross materialism. They may fight over ownership of their "things," but otherwise they are all disciples of Darwinian Mechanisms, hence philosophically irreducibly linked.

And let it be pointed out that it was the vast majority in Judah that killed the One Person sent who could have been, at the very least, their Lincoln, who indeed, as Isaiah said, came to set the captives free. This analogy does not go very far--but it does suggest that pure democracy can never be anything but an enemy to truth--especially hard and ugly and inconvenient truths, which it "suppresses in unrighteousness." (c.f. Judges)

It is small wonder that both our politics and our godz are like Molech-worship, anti-family, anti-natal, and known best for their advocacy of, shall we say, "free love." That this is prone both to despotism and self-destruction should be obvious, but no matter hoTw many historical examples, and no matter how many "Professor Gadget godz" we go through with constant disappointment yet always clamoring for more (and fewer sacrifices for children, and the more sacrifices OF children); the more we ignore the silent cries of those we persecute to death, and the millions more of oppressed peoples we ignore become, "legion"--and more and more legions against us and our self righteous ways.

I do not make excuses for the present day Republican Party; neither party could be the party of Lincoln, because both are parties that pander to our basest emotions, and both are largely reactionary in the worst sorts of ways.

  Neither party will stop the slaughter.

 And because of this, we will diminish not only in stature and reputation, but will be considered worldwide as a hypocritical example of mass degradation and living for ourselves.  "Imperial Washington" is upon us, Samson, as Delilah sniggers behind the arras.

We forget that "the greatest generation," was raised in almost always intact families, both nuclear and extended-- yet one that betrayed itself by asserting free and easy divorce in the free and easy post war years--hence devouring not only themselves but selling their children and grandchildren down the river for a bowl of red stew. Not funny, McGee.

Jer 31:15:  fulfilled by Herod and the Imperiums of today:  "A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because her children are no more."

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