Tuesday, October 16, 2012


In his acceptance speech for the Templeton Prize, Alexander Solzhenitsyn quoted at the outset the "pithy" Russian proverb, "Men have forgotten God, that is why all these things have happened. The Bible makes it plainer yet:"There is no Fear of God in their eyes."  Hence, "every man does what is right in his own eyes." (Until the tyrannies arrive in force, or outside forces conquer)

There are I suppose two general sources of fear; the seen and the unseen.  I'll let the reader decide which is scarier. In our world we treat ourselves to fear, as an entertainment.  But in reality it is no different than it ever has been. We fear circumstances and people.  We fear death, pain, suffering that has no meaning or purpose that we can see (the unseen again, and the "why?") and we fear separation from or disapproval of, loved ones, culture, society, institutions of approbation or cursing, and the list goes clear across all of Creation.

But as Jesus told Martha about her sister: "One Thing is needful and your sister has chosen the better part."

I am suspecting that, even with Jesus' friendship, Mary knew she was in the Presence, something which Martha also would confess later at Lazarus' tomb. She knew a Person inspiring Intense Fear and Fascination conmingled with Tenderest Mercies. Complete in One Person in front of her: Martha and Mary have seen the Face of Incarnate Love and Justice, and not only survived, but thrived.

"Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe." (So there, Thomas!)  "My Lord and my God!"  (So there, us!!!)

to be continued, "should anybody ask..."

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