Tuesday, October 30, 2012

THE Equestion, Popped

"Come let us reason together, says The LORD; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow..." 

In thinking about Pascal's strengths and his personal experience well beyond and above that, besides all the logic (derivative) deductive and empirical,  it is quite clear that more than logic is involved in our most central questions. Logic can help or hinder us in our relationships, all dependent on our wills. If one wishes to be in an intimate relationship especially, one has to give up a great deal in what I would call a Wholistic manner.

 Logic is a tool with an expiration date. Like Mammon,  it can be a potentially reasonable servant, but is always a terrible and vastly incompetent master or "god."

When I got married, I gave up many many possible worlds for the one, as it turns out, with the greatest potential to strengthen my better qualities and to let the others atrophy or be even ruthlessly omitted. So it is, but infinitely more so, with Christ the Bridegroom.

What Messiah Christ Jesus brings to us is in fact a much greater marriage proposal, a permanent and perfect marriage covenant.  While this may offend us in some sensate ways, the offer stands, and is eminently reasonable, and more than reasonable.  So if we are seeing ourselves as creatures of reason and more, we have to consider his perfectly reasonable proposal. So the question is:

"Is there any reason you would not want to take Jesus as your Lord and Savior right now?"

Let me say this: if Jesus were to stand before you today, and ask you this question directly, would you argue with Him?  What would be your "perfectly reasonable reason," for rejecting his proposal from the stance of a Higher Reason than any or all of us can comprehend?

But the fact is, He is before you all the time, and asks this question every day. We use our worldly concerns to put Him off and to at times resort to binding and gagging him, lest He "contaminate" our hearts that we, for some "reason" are saving up for a rainy day!

Come let us consider: does reason come from anyone but God?  See Job--no errors in Logic because Job's Interlocutor fashioned Logic and Law too for our benefit more than for His. Specifically, He invented man-sized logic for us alone; do we use it with "fear and trembling," as Kierkegaard would say; or with hubris and our secondary and too-much-vaunted  and totally derrivative intellect?

"God wouldn't do it that way," says the Muslim.  And who is he, and we, to tell God how He should proceed? (a strange statement for a follower of a supposedly ineffable god.)

As I mentioned recently, Pascal's conversion was the result of seeking Christ in the Scriptures, and praying for/wanting a personal revelation from a Very Personal GOD.  What prevents us then from pursuing and asking God sincerely for, "FIRE?" 

We have our reasons--but what do they look like from God's perspective? Do they not look incresingly foolish and frankly totally sensate and "bio-deradable" as we get older?; beside the very discomfiting fact that,"Man knows not his time?" 

Isaiah knew, darkly, that the "set time" would come--and also that his own people would crucify their only real king. The "set time" came and went for them, and Christ wept that they, "knew not the time of their visitation."  There is a set time for us--mine was Palm Sunday evening of 1979. "And then the end will come." 

The question remains, a Proposal Not Modest: Is there any reason for you, the reader, to turn down Christ Jesus, or to refuse to even bother to ask Him if He is real?  Having studied this, and science, for many years, and having explored all the major veins of philosophy, I have not seen one cogent, reliable reason to disbelieve anything Christ ever said or did.  There is nothing better, or longer lasting, I can assure any reader, than a Covenant Marriage between two faithfu ones. Has Christ be unfaithful to any, when even Pilate said,

"I find no fault in this man."  ?

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