Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Living on Burrowed Holiness

Pilate's Cave, anyone?

Calvin's Dad: " It takes about 100,000 dollars to raise a child. Now, (to Calvin) you have to ask yourself; is that a Gift?  Or a loan?"

The laws of men are by their very derivative and unoriginal nature, reactionary.  Not only that, they are like a horde of bank robbers; like Willie Sutton, they go to the branch banks where the money is. They, like even the laws of the OT, are so intertwined with, and actually dependent on, evil, that sooner or later it is hard to tell the difference, and laws themselves become agents of evil--c.f. Animal Farm, Brave New World, Nazi and Leninist philosophy and purges, and so on.  Our own laws--which we seem disinclined to change because, above all, we fear the fussy and loud media Lords who can lead to our being shunned and disenfranchised. 

Maybe that's a good thing.

What I do not want is to retreat into a Plato's cave of obscurantism and self-righteousness, like the evil dwarves of Narnia, always retreating from the light and in particular from Aslan. Their mantra is, "The dwarves are for the dwarves."

But all that is not of Christ will pass away.  Many of our laws are becoming unenforceable because no one has time to follow them all much less read them all.  Hence we are all criminals unawares, continually, every day transgressing against McState. (And their banks and all their lawyers too).

 And again, "What's done for Christ will last." And I add,"all else dies in the past." He does expect us to endure; but not to change what can't be changed.

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