Sunday, September 30, 2012


It would appear that the majority of "page views" are not from people at all but from "Phishing" computers dragging their nets for keywords or key subgroups.  The most frequent visitor seems to be a site that I cannot myself access, except for a tag in the corner that says, "Buy Viagra."

Before it goes generic , I s'pose.  Sigh...another unintended consequence of "grow old with me, the best is yet to come" mass marketing ploys. But it is only a matter of time before Master McCorporate Worldly-Wize will be trolling not just a few demographics but your actual medical records.

"Privacy" was  the watchword.  "Piracy" is the reality. 

We as physicians are now required to be totally transparent--as we already are to Big Gov and MAC-Donalds--to the patient, who can actually suffer harm in many cases from perusing candid medical records. This has happened twice to me already, totally transgressing the old standard of "primum non nocere." In the future, medical records will contain only the most generic,template-driven material--rather like present day "letters of recommendation" which are in most cases totally useless-- Why?

"Things your lawyer won't tell you." (because they don't want to know or take personal or corporate responsibility for all the damage people have allowed them to do by surrendering all their rights to professionals.)

I need to post this now as my new computer is eating up and auto-deleting my words worse than any previous machine.  So much for problem--solving Hal and his rebel progeny.

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