Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Race is to the Tom Swifties

I wonder…has the dear reader ever considered the word, “race” as related in its two major meanings, that is, as a competition, and as a people group?  Certainly the connection is clear in a Darwinian context—the races are racing for race superiority and conquest.  Oliver Wendell Holmes defined justice as 51% of the nation that can lick all the others. (He is more the father of American law than Lincoln could ever be)

Even in the ethnic context, it is hard to make a case for people around the world being different in any essences; but only in superficial matters, mostly dealing with outward appearances.  That’s why we are so fascinated by ethnic uniforms—which also is a matter of competition—if you don’t believe me, watch any of Oscar’s  "really big shews!"

The concept of “One Blood” is far more consequential. Jesus never mentioned race; but He was abundantly informative about beliefs—even though He also pointed out that they are hardly permanent but change sometimes hourly as he pointed out the fickle nature of crowds and individuals and how prone they are to change with circumstances. It is likely that He referred to the Jews as a special group—but not in terms of blood, virtue, or even blessing but in regards to prophecy and law.

“This little laptop of mine” is not shining but erasing text…more later…

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