Friday, February 24, 2012


In the book, “None of These Diseases”, the author outlines the difference between Hebrew laws of medical treatment and the concurrent state of the Egyptian Medical Arts. (making the difference between law and art striking also)

It also points out the difference between revelation and magic. One famous sociologist pointed out that the difference between magic and Hippocrates is that the physician/magician was, like Baalam, a hired gun—who was better able to kill than to cure, and could minister or murder depending on the highest bidder.

Now that we have essentially turned our back not only on God but on even the best of the Greeks, we see that medicine is changing back to a kind of pseudo-scientific witchcraft that refuses to acknowledge any type of absolutes, either in investigation or practice. It even becomes a kind of media circus event, ongoing and chaos-inspired. Wild theories become instant science and dominated by blatant pandering, again, to the highest bidder. But as might be expected of a culture defined by commercialism, corporate slavery, and materialism, a kind of “social proof” dominates the scene and whatever people can be led to believe is in their best (always short-term; don’t think of anything else!) interests.

I have perhaps pointed out in the past that medicine and science itself is defined and driven by culture; hence is never as objective as it pretends to be. Numerous studies, when one dares to do them, demonstrate this; and it is tacitly but seldom explicitly believed.  Medicine itself, having oversold itself and been caught in numerous fabrications and false promises, is experiencing a decline in its reputation—yet people are often in slavery to the very facts that give them “dys-ease”. Rather like the many self-medicating smokers who use the most addictive drug on earth, while acknowledging that chances are it will shorten their lives and make what remains increasingly miserable in exchange for treating their anxiety issues with the worst possible means.

Revelation by science is only slightly more advantageous than medicine by magic. Both require the placebo effect, i.e. belief in both doctor and drug (and system) The Egyptians, often praised in secular histories, treated illnesses with fly dung and other equally “potent” materials. It seems still that many of our medications are being legally and otherwise withdrawn as doing more harm than good; in parallel with our descent into commerciality and social Darwinism.

This topic will come up again; so I will let it “ferment”. Today I want to ask that we pray for the only person who regularly reads this blog and its predecessor—friend and philosopher Dennis Hall. I will say no more except that he is having a procedure in Rockford today and that will determine the way of his health care in the future. I hope that the above will not discourage him; but genuinely truthful medical care restricts itself to time-tested means and I have full confidence in the physician who is treating him. Nonetheless: the point of the above is that the Author of Revelation is to be trusted above all physicians in the flesh: and I can firmly and fully affirm the Words of the Great Physcian,

Without Me you can do nothing.”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all those who have shown such concern to my wife and family during my open heart surgery. It was a great strength to her as you can imagine. For some reason she seems to think I should hang around for a few more years.
    A special thanks to Bill's wife Flo for the loan of her electric chaise lounge. It has been a godsend.
