Monday, February 27, 2012


Dateline 2-27-12 0700

As I write these words, Dennis is probably getting onto the table at Rockford Memorial Hospital to receive at least a 3-vessel coronary bypass. I don't mind saying that this is an entry that is also a prayer to The Creator and Originator of the designed Dennis; and a petition to The Son Jesus Christ, who healed all who came his way on earth, but Who has also watched since then as Jerusalem and the rest of us have gone not His way, but our own. Sir, cease, sayeth He.

We cannot be sent in as a sub for God--but we are instructed to pray without ceasing for our enemies, not to mention our friends.  As Dennis does read these entries, I hope he will know that he is a friend and although we spar occasionally in these pages, it is my pleasure to pray for him today, I do not have to force myself.  If there be any who ever read these pages and considers me their enemy, please know that I do not reciprocate; and it is quite easy to pray for those whose intentions I don't very well know--and they may not know them either. 

This I do know, and continue to present: that just one person transcends  in importance all the civilizations and philosophies ever built and written. For those who realize this, the rest falls into place rather more easily than most of our vain ambitions that we force on our inwardly resentful selves, and on others outside of us.

And that goes for U2 Mr. Dennis!!!

1 comment:

  1. Again thanks for all your thoughts and kind words.

    I is almost a year since my my close friend and mentor Sherwood Sugden passed from his suffering on earth. He was a constant source of philosophical stimulation. I have never meet a man with such a grasp on logic. It could have come from years of editing "The Monist" but I believe it was a God given gift which he continued to hone his whole life.

    Now it looks like Bill is becoming a new source of stimulation to me. I can see his friendship is sincere and loving and for this I am grateful. From having a father as a physician I also know that it doesn't hurt to have a good doctor in your hip

    Let's hope we have many years ahead to become more acquainted.
