Sunday, September 16, 2012

New News--sort of...

In my last blog I hinted at why I was a little overwhelmed by circumstances, including some extraordinary demands that have continued from Aug. 31 on for the last 2 weeks, only in remission by dint of a weekend with no call at all.

The other factor may be that I have been waiting to have time to get into this new laptop, which puts me on par with my son Daniel, who has just gotten a work computer in addition to his Apple. I ended getting the exact same HP model as he just got, which was on sale.I figured if I had any problems with it, I would have two sons--John, who recommended this unit, and Dan, who is using it--who can help me with it.  I got it a week ago but Dan just helped me with startup yesterday.  In the process I managed to recover my blogspot user name and passwart. So all future blogging will be from my HP.  My work computer is desperate for space, and doesn't need my >1,000 pix and vids on it!

(It still amazes me that I don't have to worry about film and developing costs.)

On another front, re: lo technico, I am not sure if I will put Dragonspeak on this laptop.  I thought I would use it a lot for blogging, but it turns out that (a) I need the typing practice and discipline  and (b)the  process of writing seems to be different than merely dictating.  Truly great writers like Milton could do just as well dictating as by using plume and ink.  My writing skills and organizational abilities are already borderline enough, it wouldn't do to mix the two--unless I become blind. I think overall that  Milton would have preferred to write more by sight and less by faith!  (His faithful but very put-upon daughters who probably had a lot more discretionary time prior to Milton's acquired blindness) On the up side, if I were blind, I could sleep in!

With this I will close.  But here's a question to ponder: should I keep my gift of the New Yorker subscription from my folks, or cancel  it on principle and my  visceral response to the magazine's ramped-up hostility to childbearing, motherhood, and even nursing?  I am pondering--also my pent-up need to make a statement, which Flo says I should not curry--what to do.    Maybe I could just cut out the cartoons I like and recycle the rest...what does the dear reader think?  How much is it worth knowing what the other side is saying, when, after 30 years of being embedded in it, I find it so utterly predictable? It's not really much of an intellectual challenge anymore; nothing new under the sun, eh?

Or, since TNY will stop at nothing to advance their agenda...I could do nothing...and they would have to stop at it!!!


  1. I would keep the subscription to "The New Yorker".
    You seem to enjoy many of the articles and the cartoons. I have friends that are always sending me conservative, Republican articles. For the most part it is preaching to the choir. I have one or two friends that are of the opposite persuasion when it comes to philosophy and politics. They also send me articles and web sites that espouse their beliefs. I don't agree with these articles but it gives me an insight into their thinking so I can better defend my beliefs. As Sun Tzu said, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

    1. well now that's an interesting thought. But of course my "enemies are not of flesh and blood." So I do my best to leave them out of the picture. Whatever a magazine does in that regard depends on whether or not it is an idol. Or more usually, a huge cluster of idols under one tent.I gave up on Buckley a long time ago because he seemed harsh and not driven forward by the Spirit. TNY also falls in that category. You may recall form a blog long ago that the TNY's founder said, "I believe in malice." And that does still seems to be the driving force behind what is still in essence an entertainment magazine. As the current issue shows so well a SOSO comfortable and predictable "same sex marriage" of religion and politics. Also utterly sterile, I might add.
