Monday, January 9, 2012


This is a Yiddish all-purpose phrase which can mean many things, but largely is a rhetorical question mark, as in, "I am the greatest--nu?"  It meretriciously solicits your opionion while making it not count. But that's literally, and people don't use commonly such words to put anyone down; it's almost automatic, like "How are you?", and here's hoping they won't take you literally.

So if I choose to ooze this word in the future, u'll know what I mean--nu?

The point besides being that people often say what they don't mean--for the sake of effect, shock value sometimes, to impress others with our wise-dumb, to ooze big words (5 demerits to me for "meretriciously") and--mostly-- to communicate minimally while putting up our personal shield o' privacy/cone of silence continually.  This often takes the form of the attack mode--the best defense is a good bit of offense.  I wonder if Bill Maher would be as condescending to Mr. Tebow in person privately as he is in his Public R's (recall: R-rated here means "Rant" whereas PG means Providential Guidance needed and G = "Groovy!")

This "Primate Ooze" defines and takes over the office of Pharisee and Sadducee--which I characterize as our modern version of Left and Right "wings"--but not the kind that can fly!  Both preclude Spirit-led utterance because of pre-set agendas, platforms, and inflexible legalistisms--here I include the rigid doctrines of libertarian ism, so called, which is more libertine than liberating.

If u want to see someone really liberated--look at the EAA video about the invention of Steve Saint and see if it doesn't make you want to fly!! (Sorry piggies) Can be accessed on Steve or Grace Schuler's facebook page.

But: "He whom the Son sets free, is free indeed"--a thought and statement of fact to which I intend to repair frequently. If our freedom depends on our wildly changing circumstances--that is a very poor freedom indeed and probably is not freedom at all but self delusion.  True freedom has to be in all places under all circumstances and reducing the intimidation factors by which the world works--not freedom but fear--to as near zero as possible by receiving and using properly "The Peace that Passes Understanding"--given never acquired.

I continually find-- in science, medicine, and elsewhere--that organisms do best if they stick to their design--and do not fantsize too much about being a dolphin or a wolf!  Remember that pigs are just as clever as they say...

If yu want to see someone really liberated, go to the video on the EAA website about the invention of Steve Saint; see if it doesn't make you wnat to "fly like an eagle!" (sorry piggies)  available on Steve or Grace Schuler's facebook pages.


1 comment:

  1. Ah, a protege of Bill Buckley.

    "Meretricious" an interesting word.

    Origin of MERETRICIOUS
    Latin meretricius, from meretric-, meretrix prostitute, from merēre to earn
    First Known Use: 1626

    Definition of MERETRICIOUS
    : of or relating to a prostitute : having the nature of prostitution
    a : tawdrily and falsely attractive b : superficially significant : pretentious

    — mer·e·tri·cious·ly adverb
    — mer·e·tri·cious·ness noun
