Saturday, November 5, 2011

Verbicidal--Let's murder someone after we murder our English!!!

“Verbicide must precede homicide.  Vocabulary remains the turning point.” –Paul Greenberg, Pulitzer winning commentator. Think, “Tutsi cockroach” or “Jewish swine”…or “fetus”…

“Novelist and medical doctor Walker Percy wrote, in 1981, ‘To proabortionists; according to the oopinion polls, it looks as though you may get your way—‘

(much to their personal and group self-destruction, I might add—there’s no madness quite so complete as destroying your own offspring like Mr. Saturn—because their might be less [sic] for the individual in the short-short run)

…Percy might not be surprised by the continuing turn of events.”Picture the scene, a Galileo trial in reverse.  The Supreme Court is cross examining a high school biology teacher and admonishing him that of course it is only his personal opinion that the fertilized ovum is an individual human life. He is enjoined not to teach his private beliefs at a public school. Like Galileo, he caves in, but in turning away is heard to murmur, ‘But it’s still alive!’”
-Kathryn Jean Lopez

1 comment:

  1. I have observed over the years how the left use language to serve their purpose. I like the example of the use of "fetus" to refer to the our offspring. One might ask why they use this Latin word in arguing for abortion. After all they like to remind us on numerous occasions that Latin is that dead language.
    Could it be that they are trying to hide what a fetus actually is. The Latin word is translated to English as meaning offspring, bringing forth, hatching of young. I offer that by using the Latin word they are trying to hide the true nature of what a fetus is. To the unwashed masses the word fetus might be confused with fetid or filthy or some other disgusting term you would want to get rid of.
