Saturday, November 12, 2011

inter aliens


Did u know :that insurance companies have hired bounty hunters?  Each worker gains on the average of  $8 for every drug they deny?  And how does one oppose such incentives?

"Cold Souls"--an interesting variant of a Faust legend.  It's still about commerce i.e. the "Blackest Market."

 Ta Dennis: Thanks for the film about Burmese Video Journalism--also on the black market as far as the "Martial Arts" government is concerned.  My Dad has a friend who has been banned from Burma for his support of these folks. But Mark is still there.  The agenda for the missionary is not antipolitical but, practically speaking, apolitical--Christ-ocentric as it were and is.  ML points out that the moral/philosophical roads may or may not include God--but I feel pretty strongly that politics defined all of the forces arrayed against Jesus--military, "King, eh." religious, secular, Law-Full et alia. By the Way, Dennis--are you related to the "Dennis" of the Holy Grail the movie? Dennis' words have found themselves into the Arthurian section of the Norton's Anthology of Literature.

"No man ever spoke like this man." is still true. I find no convincing reason to disbelieve Christ--least of all in favor of Beckett and his crew--in any particular.  When the secular world comes up with something even equal to the Words of Christ, I will pay attention. "Waiting for Godot" was memorized like the Koran while I was growing up, and my Dad  considered this "good news' with a few tons of secondary gain. Otherwise it's all fuel to the fire--sans annihilation. Even something burned or blown up retains all of its substance, merely dispersed to other forms.  The same is true of the soul--in spite of the "playing around" common to "Doc" Faust to Pall Giacometti and the New Yorker from which he gets his ideas and temptations. More about that perhaps after I actually finish the two movies referenced above.
By the way, one could do worse than go over the words of the 70's song, "The Garden of Earthly Delights" which of course comes from H. Bosch's trip-itch. Glad I didn't marry into that/her family!!!

1 comment:

  1. I doubt I am related to Dennis in the Monte Python movie. But I have a small amount of admiration for his political acumen.

    There was a St. Denis who was an Italian born Bishop of Paris who was martyred in 275AD. St. Denis is one of the patron saints of France.
    Actually I am probably more associated with Dionysus from whom Denis derives his name. Dionysus
    was the Greek god of the grape, wine, fertility, ritual madness and

    I love Hieronymus Bosch's painting. It reminds me of the “I Spy” series of books by Scholastic. Those are the books with all the small items in the photos you have to find, sort of like the “Where's Waldo” books. There is so much to look at and interpret. As I understand the painting was a private commission piece and is supposed to show man's transition from paradise to hell over the three panels. There is so much meaning designed into it.
