Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gems from latest Touch Stone

Rebecca Sicree:”If Chesterton had been blessed with children, he would have learned that the ‘democracy of the dead’ is often overthrown by the dictatorship of one’s descendents.”

Phillip E. Johnson: “…despite the title, Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’ explained the survival of species, but not the arrival of species.”

Anthony Esolen (on Christina Rossetti’s “In the Bleak Midwinter”:  “The good of the child is beyond quantity. A hedonistic world is, at base, cruel, pitiless.  That is because sensual pleasure can be calibrated. (“Cold Souls” make this a point of satire”

“What cheer for the heart!  All the gears of the world grind on, the smokestacks belch and politicians speak, scientists distill medicines and poisons, producers product, but the true world is (still, and still, I say…) is here, at the side of the Christ child, in stillness and joy.”

“ ‘What can I give him/poor as I am…?’”

“Again  it is no sentimental question…’Let the little children come unto me’”

(Paul the Giacometti sure uses His name a lot—it’s strangely almost the only swear word he uses…intentional, or just force of  habit? Due to the Force of “That Name”; and of course its rather intimate relationship to our souls--???

Joseph Honeycutt, reviewing “At the Roots of Christian Bioethics”, a collection of essays on the thought of Tristram Englehardt, Jr.:

“Englehardt’s longtime friend Thomas Bole says of him,’He came to realize that fallen man could not reason to a common morality.’

“Ethics is a process of healing and restoring the capacity to experience the Transcendent God raTther than conforming to a natural order characterized in terms of law.”

(How dys-appointing for all those “Natural Law” conservatives—and Pharisees as well!”

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