Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Words are a source of misunderstanding--The fox

The book of Job is known for its many windy words and speeches--which are not far removed from the spirit of the "information age"--which is far removed from any semblance of wisdom, as even Oscar Wilde noted long ago.

The problem with words and reasonings is that they lead us down a unique path, every time, of an artificial understanding, usually based on "information" of a very transient nature, deeply salted with the overwhelming desire to seem righteous to ourselves and to as many others as possible.

Science purports to be "objective" but science itself is only an artifice to service our perceived needs for, again, self-legitimization. "We all offend in many ways" by the simple fact that no one can get out of him/her self. 

Paul got it right: "Who will deliver me from this body of death?" i.e. our own self seeking which is at the same time ironically self-destructive?

Answer that (and answer Job aright) and you get The Grand Prize!!!

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