Thursday, February 7, 2013


Satan Swiles









TSUNAMI OF LIGHT? (no; flood-lite)


GLOBAL  FLOOD? (no, more than a “mabul.”)


When one looks out, or magnifies even the vicinity of lightless Pluto, what does one see?  A vast and numberless crowd of lights and more behind and between them.  The more we magnify and see, the more light we see, no matter in which direction we look. A planet or a moon may shade us—but cannot shield us more than Ayer’s rock in a weary Australia.

 It can be said that we do not “see” darkness. We have rods and cones for light-detection; but no darkness-receptors. “The Light Shines in the darkness, and no one can put it out.”

I am not looking at laser-light, or the intense and misplaced lights which, like cloudbursts in the desert, wreak destruction.  Yet the Direct Light of God, if not veiled, would have destroyed even Moses in the desert. And even more so, his rebellious cohorts, who could not even stand the Sounds of GOD or the Clouds that surrounded Him, for their protection, at Sinai. This, too, is a mystery. Faith needed!

No, I am speaking of the Light that gives Life, to the smallest leaf or euglena, down to the deepest roots of the largest tree...and the LIGHT of a different quantum level entirely, that put such energy-balls where they could bless us. We are to blame if we get too much, or gather too much like manna, or keep others out of the Light they need. Jesus is the Rock, not us. When we need shade He provides it in the best way--that we cannot see. (See above)


But when Jesus went into the desert, even in his most humble state, He “outshone the sun,” and “Lucifer” (the reflected light  of a lunatic spirit) all at the same time; while still merely a man of flesh and blood like all of us, whose existence is a delicate suspension of the dangers of extinction that surround us, “day and night.” (Yet what or who can un-make the soul?)

We are still continually enjoined by  the “loon-in-the-moon,”  to be enamored and moonstruck by his pitiful by-products; tempting us with the lowest form of sub-animal pride in an existence which, sans God, is an utter absurdity. And yes, I do mean  most forms of politics; the lowest forms, and the most destructive though tiny human mabul, of all endeavor; and the very thing that Jesus opposed during His Entire Ministry—then, and now.

I wish I could find the spoof of Pogo, by Mad Magazine in its earliest manifestation, in which a tadpole in a jar keeps telling Pogo, “Now don’ go ‘round messin’ with politics, Gopo.”  (“Gopo” being the spoof name for Pogo.)  The Mad strip ends with the swamp folk fleein’ a mushroom cloud. “I tole you and I tole you…don’ go….

No apologies to those whose heart and soul and spirit are taken up with the sad  and sad and frustrated nexus of political religion, and religious politics.  Man is always  unjust, unfair, and selfish:  and cannot be tempted by the cries of their fellow-men who suffer under them, and see killing fields all around  them. The Light will go elsewhere—“all these things” are sheer lunacy, ink…



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