"Since then, no prophet has arisen like Moses, who The LORD knew face to face."
"The law was given through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ."
"Just as Moses lifted up the (bronze) snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone that believes in Him may have eternal life."
The story of the bronze serpent is, as Jesus said, profoundly prophetic. It was a sign of God's undeserved and barely admitted Grace and Mercy in a blasted desert with only Manna to eat, and only this "hung snake" to come between them and their sins, God's True Truth, and death by a plague of poisonous live serpents, sent because of persistent rebellion and lying about God's revealed truth.
We have had about 250 years of blessings and even honor, I think largely because until recently we sent out more missionaries at one time than the rest of the world combined--in other words and increasingly because there has been a remnant of belief and believers who do not at all belong the Mcworld "or anything in it." Our son Mark is one of those, as you all know. But one must consider that we have also boasted of being a democracy or republic blessed by the rule of Law. Hence there has always been this division.
Both Lincoln and Jesus said that a people divided against itself cannot stand. So, here we are, as divided as we were in 1865, but over an even more profound and basic issue than it was in those days, an affront to The God of Grace even greater than the great sins of slavery.
I might say that it has never been any ambition of mine to go where I am not wanted--and this is ever increasingly true in the "urbanization revolution--and this in turn is going to effect a tsunami of change in my own life, towards the things that really matter. In a way I am leaving Egypt...and more of that soon...but even Bobb-o Dylan-o wrote that the flesh wars against the Spirit, "24 hours a day." But I must declare that in USA Today, it is no a fair fight in terms of numbers--because "few there be that find it." Connect the dots, friends; and do not color by numbers!
But the USA is at that point where Law has been shaken and democracy deadened by executive fiats and unjust judges--for an increasingly lawless and graceless and rebellious people. We still have not gotten as bad as we have "given"--if that's the word--so there must be some modicum of mercy left--but he who will not receive grace will be humbled if not destroyed not only by The Law of Moses, which we left in the dust and the desert ago--but accelerated by the "laws" of men, full of greed and "dead men's bones."
In other words, we are getting Mammon; we are bribed by men for a momentary peace and prosperity increasingly made possible by an international Holocaust, on the back of millions and millions of our own children--the ones we have killed without mercy and so far without the least evidence of even any practical forethought . And the survivors with--you know--"survivors syndrome?" If we don't kill them immediately--like unto "Baby Doe" and "partial birth abortion;" we abandon them to the torture chambers of "easy" divorce and constant abandonment of even the most basic parental duties, much less the demands of self-sacrificing love. I could go on and on but I think most of my readers understand this already--but now it's a matter of emphasis...
read Mark Twain's "The War Prayer," for future reference in these "pages."