Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hope, Fully, Yes!

We always seem to think that we are making concessions to God by believing in Him, half-heartedly.

But we leave out the whole-hearted concession that God cares, for some reason that evades even wise old Screwtape, enough to intervene constantly in our lives.  Like that old racist and adulterer national hero, Jefferson, cut out all possibility of miracles, which would mean we might actually be accountable for our actions, not just to men, but much more intensely, seriously, and eternally, to an Eternal Godhead.  Who in fact has already done all the hardest parts already. 

Most of the miracles of the Bible, even the existence of the Bible, are not advertised-as-such.  I am reading in Joshua 3 how God, once again, held back the waters of the Jordan at harvest flood stage at a little town upstream called "Adam," meaningfully but not ironically I believe;  This was done primarily to give the perpetually weak faith of the Hebrew-now true more than ever--a booster shot of immunity to the Jebusites, whom they were to fight--and are still fighting--now more than ever but now with only carnal weapons, sans God.

The existence and persistence of the Hebrews should be miracle enough, as many have noted. Yet their unbelief could hardly be more "advanced" (but just you wait)

Earthly fathers like me spend most of their time, "taking care of business," so that we can distance ourselves from our true, and harder, responsibilities to God and family. I am certainly guilty of this
par for the course and no more, succumbing to the human law of averages, the statistics of biology, temperament,  and the "social proof" I mentioned yesterday; I, for instance, was to be responsible for teaching science in the home. But except for John to a half-hearted degree, I failed at this. Ironically, only John has become interested in science and medicine himself--no accident there. He still calls me about the potassium pump!

But God foreknew, foresaw, and fore-provided. Yes, miraculously.  As the saying goes, anymore I do not just believe in miracles, I depend on them.  Speaking of which, God has provided a "parting of the waters" for me, which I will speak of later. So, in advance, all Glory and Honor and The Imparting of Eternal Thanks to Him for undeserved mercy in overlooking my dis-honor.

As far as fathers go, the Original Father is still the Only Author of Unconditional Love via the Perfectly Loved Son, who never strayed from His Covenant one time even at any given moment. It just occurred to me that the Father also is "taking care of business" (here the computer deletes many a thought thank you so bloody much...)

What I was going to say is that even I, Asimov conceded that the human brain is the most complex thing we know, or perhaps can know in this limited existence--we could only recognize something higher by revelation, not by working at it. That might explain why God is taking so much trouble over us, as opposed to  Satan's hobby horses, computers and statistics. Like the Hebrews, no matter how many miracles were and are done for them, we are High Maintenance. We need miracles, not in the shallow sense that is what only the world will allow--Big Rock Candy Mountain and all that--Freudians and Darwinians are far better and more basic wish fulfillment machines that a Man on a Cross ever could be or intended to be--no, but in the sense that we could not even physically hold together for two seconds absent any design and maintenance from God. 

"More than I can say..."

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