Saturday, May 5, 2012

From: The "Reformed Rabbit, the Better Bunny, the Happy Hare."

Didja know: that the creator of Roger Rabbit is from Earlville, Mendota's near neighbor to the east?  Roger That!!!

But seriously, volks:  I have decided to go back to this box and type by hand.  The last debacle was caused by a combination of blogger and Dragonspeak and a "dictation box" that I use at work to increase accuracy. Dragon likes itself, wera, wera mooch (Krazy Katishly sp...eek!!! But not anyone else--c.f. the only bully in the sandbox--"does NOT play well with others=(

Dragons hoard their treasures you know, as will be seen this Christmas in "The Hobbit."  EEEK, can't wait!!"

 According to the Word, God is a bit more reliable than any computer, and not nearly as arbitrary.  Reading about Moishe and the golden calf godz today in Exodust 32, I have a few thoughts.

 God said to him"  "Go down, because your people whom you brought out of Egypt have become corrupt."  Sounds like unto a mother who, after a trying day with Wild Boy, says to her husband, "Let me tell you what your son did today!"

But "Moishe" reminded Him that they were His people, not his: "It was YOU who brought them out of Egypt with a Mighty not bring disaster upon YOUR people. 

This chapter, though a major setback for all concerned, has plenty of humor, as in Aaron's miserable excuse that, "We threw this gold in the fire and out came this calf!"  Ah yes-- and what is that you're hiding behind your back, Err On?  (see verse 4, eh?)

Kidding aside and seriously folks-- this background is essential to establish the reality of the gift of free will; and the willingness of God to relent, and to use the evil that men do to fashion a better way that "You would not believe even if I showed it to you." And see the story in Luke of hypothetical parable-Lazarus.  Especially,  the Exodus 32 sequence also establishes the  rationale for, and efficacy of, prayer--esp for Knights of Faith who do walk personally with God and are said to be a friends of God.  And of course there is infinitely more for the relinquishing types like me...yet to be established even though we see it as , "The End, Man."

Speaking of which, son Dr. Stephen reminds us that this is Soren Kierkgaard's birthday.  More fear and trembling for me, Foo-raw Foo-raw!!!

Be it noted that there is not one Knight of Faith who does not wear foibles and foolishness on both sleeves.  They are Knights; not The King!  "King, eh?  I din' vote for ya!"  Thank you Dennis (not Hall but a very positivist peasant from "The Holy Grail. )  "You don't vote for king..."

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