Monday, April 30, 2012

T0 dad re; his short story of 1947

from Poetry magazine, featured poet of April issue, Anna Kamienska's notebooks: 

I returned
to confirm
there can be no return.

next entry:

"The dogmatic certainty of unbelief. And the constant uncertainty of faith.

("Where are we going, Abraham?)  See "Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard, more of which later...

Heraclitus said that one never steps in the same river twice. Obviously he never read "Alley Oop."

Some have said that we never step in the same river once!!! (But are the implications any different?)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

"...the metaphors of above and below might...carry a false suggestion.  It might be supposed that I believe science and philosophy to be somehow intrinsically more valuable than art or literature.  I hold no such view. The 'higher' intellectual level is higher only by one particular standard.  Comparative evaluations of different excellences are in my opinion senseless. A surgeon is better than a violinist at operating and a violinist better than a surgeon at playing the violin.  Nor am I suggesting that the poets and artists are wrong or stupid in omitting from their backcloth much which the experts think important.  An artist needs some anatomy; he need not go on to physiology, much less to biochemistry. And if the sciences change much more than anatomy changes (which it surely does-WES) his work will not reflect their progress."

--C.S. Lewis, "The Discarded Image"

"Sed contra:" What can it hurt?  There are surgeons who can really "Catgut" a fiddle!!!

I have long, since Shimer at least, believed that art and science are only temporarily inconvenienced in their relationship by sharp-tongued old "experts" who can think of nothing more creative or useful than starting fights and practicing at their xenophobia. A real scientist is not a propaganda machine--that belongs to the category of "science-so-called."

(See my new poetry series on my 2 Facebook pages.  Those who have called me two-faced are right!  Should I start a third, to avoid dualism?  Tammy tell me true....)

"We are all waiting for Godot." (in Syria--who new?)

Just reading a BBC story about a person in Syria who has stopped wondering why the West "
never comes."  He finds comfort however in Beckett's "Waiting for Godot."  Apparently some of his friends and family have been resisting the Assad regime for over 3 decades.

  It reminds me of Sartre's answer to the meaning of life: "Hope!" he said cheerily.  But as in Godot, that hope is more abstraction than reality; and might I add, more of the entertainment variety--"That passed the time." / "But it would have passed anyway."/ "Yes; but not so quickly!!!:)" (emoticon mine)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012